Restoring Hope! - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong - Restoring Hope! - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong -

Restoring Hope!

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

28 April 2005 | Australië, Sydney

If you are a Dutchie, I'm sorry, but it is easier to write in english, otherwise my fiends in Luke (and ofcourse all my other friends from all over the world) can't read my messages...

It is already more than 2 weeks ago since I left Luke, so I hope I will remember the most important things to write down!
So far it has been very good, but busy. That's why it took some time before I could write something about my experiences.
The training in England was good, but we couldn't wait to go to Australia.
To fly such a long way was alright. Signapore Airlines was very good so enjoyed it... We had one stop in Signapore and there is was really hot. We were there in the evening and it was around 28 degrees.
Here in Australia the weather has been very nice. Every day sunshine, blue sky and around 25 degrees. It is warmer than normal.
So far we did 15 presentations. Most were for young adults and we have been to youth groups, bible colleges, high schools, churches, Christian Unions and some other groups. The program we do is different every time, because it depends of the people we speak to. The shortest program we did was around 20 min, but most of the time it is around 45/60 minutes.

This could be a program...
We start with a funny intro, I do a presentation with some flags from different countries in Europe, then we have a field presentation from Anton, Maaria or myself, then we have a drama, Europe Power point presentation, a mission testimony, some other drama's, stories from what God has done in Europe (or in our own lifes) a challenge and most of the time people can ask questions at the end.

We need more people in Europe to tell that it is great to have a relationship with Jesus! We want to restore Hope!

  • 28 April 2005 - 11:36


    how good to read you're fine and having good presentations! we're so proud of you doing all this and so greatful for the possibility to show the love of Jesus to so many people. have a good time and enjoy everything! your daddy sent you an email about the support of our church in future, isn't it great? love xxx, mom

  • 29 April 2005 - 01:56


    Bedankt mam, een hele bemoediging! Ik heb nog geen email van pap gehad by the way...

  • 01 Mei 2005 - 09:03

    Se Young:

    Wow, your message is soooooo great and exciting.
    It is luck that you're having a good time there in God.
    Even though I don't know how much you are busy and what you need there, I just pray for your everything.
    Ik hou van jou!! :-)

  • 03 Mei 2005 - 12:21


    adin! ik moet je spreken... kheb mn baan opgezegd. heb je nog interesse in een paars te schilderen auto met een paar poppenkastpoppen achterin en het decor op het dak?!

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