Mildura - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong - Mildura - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong -


Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

04 Mei 2005 | Australië, Sydney

Seriously, last weekend was amazing!
We arrived in Mildura on saterday evening (30/5) around 6.45 pm after a 7 hour drive from Melborne. (sand (red), trees, kangaroo signs!!, no cars, one straight way kind off)…
Mildura is a small place (in the south of Australia) and the Church of Christ invited us to stay there for the whole weekend to do some programs. It was great!
7.30 pm our first program started and it went quit well. It was mainly a youth event and afterward I had good conversations with some of their teenagers. That was really encouraging!
A lot of times we have a book table (with OM books and information) afterwards, but to be honest, I never reach the book table before we are about to go, because there are too many people to talk to.
It’s great to see that people are interested and encouraged and we don’t feel that we do anything special.
When we came to our place where we were staying this weekend it was a boat! A houseboat! Unbelievable. We could see the sun come up and go down. Beautiful! (Today when I woke up I saw a pelican next to my window).We also had a barbeque on the boat, we could eat kangaroo again, and for the first time we could have some time to relax (on the top of the boat, in the sun, 27 degrees!
But not for long, because also on Sunday we had different meetings. In the evening we were able to teach the people from the church how to share your testimony (and how not to).
Yesterday (3/5) we had the opportunity to go to some schools. Normally our program is only for adults or the older youth, but they booked us for primary schools!
With improvisation we put some programs together and it went very well. The head teacher was really happy and one teacher wanted to take some pictures from me with the flags. (Each program I start with a flag presentation) Hopefully soon a picture to get a better picture.
Yesterday 2 people from the church took us to some tourist places. I’ve been in the desert! It was such a nice experience. We prayed there together and after that some people invited us for dinner. Somehow it was so good, that I needed to cry a little bit when we said goodbye…They were so hospital and it really made an impact on us but also on the family. They took us out to see kangaroos in their jeep and we saw one. Very exciting! It was so special! The man from the family came very early this morning to give us a little present… (He was crying!)
Now we are sitting in the bus (for 5 hours) on our way to Adelaide. We will stay here one week and have many meetings.
Thanks for reading this long story... I’m doing well, and I enjoy my time here very much, but you can pray for energy because we are kind of busy the whole day!

  • 04 Mei 2005 - 06:17


    ow.. ik moet ook bijna huilen als ik dat laatste stukje lees... :-( heej, gaaf man! het klinkt echt geweldig allemaal! Super! Geniet ervan. En niet teveel praten voor het slapen gaan, he. Want anders kom je helemaal niet aan je rust ;-) God bless you!

  • 04 Mei 2005 - 10:18


    so nice to read about all your ''happenings'', it must be a very great experience, to meet so many people and to see things and animals you never saw before in your life, as if you're in an other world; wonderful!
    we admire & love you so!
    hope you get enough energy to do the whole programm. we think of you often & pray for you!

  • 06 Mei 2005 - 18:22


    woow !!!
    your news looks like so cool !!!
    I was with Ella and Celine to looking of your photo and on the description of the boat. And we were so much woow!!!
    I hope that you had a good rest weekend and that you find each day new strengh in the Lord.
    We (KNT) keep praying for you !! You are still a teammember

    Be blessed
    Take the most of this time on the sun and the wonderful nature...
    Hugs (very big hugs...)

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 08:16


    Wow. What an advertisment for presentation teams!

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 08:25


    hey! you must be full of all those experiences, and have lots of things to talk about and tell your friends when you'll be back home again! of course we pray for energy & enough rest! love, your parents xxx

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