They broke into our house!! - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong - They broke into our house!! - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong -

They broke into our house!!

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

10 Mei 2005 | Australië, Sydney

They broke into our house!!!
You won’t believe what happened to us….
After a long afternoon and a long drive back to our home, suddenly there was a police car standing before our house.
Of course we first thought that somebody was hurt or something, but soon we heard that they stole a lot of stuff.
TV, one of our bag packs with clothes passport , mobile recharges, cd player, my mobile phone and all my cd’s.
Lucky enough I brought my money with me and they didn’t find my passport. Praise God!
Of course we start praying and someone found the passport from Maaria and Anton’s toothbrush and insurance papers.
It could be a lot worse, but it’s a pity that all (around 40) my favorite cd’s are gone (especially Petra). I guess I will survive…
Through this whole experience I learned a lot. I realized that the only thing we can really count on in God. We thought that it was safe to leave our passport and stuff at home, but not really…

Today I was really tired and to be honest I bit bored of meeting all this new people and be social, but I guess that is part of the job.
I will go to sleep now and than one day to go and then… DAY OFF!

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 08:38


    in the meantime we learned that most of the things that were stolen, are found again! thank you Lord! for answering prayers, and we pray for a nice and restful day off! love, mom p.s. it was so good to hear your voice on the phone!

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