God answered our prayers! - Reisverslag uit Adelaide, Australië van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu God answered our prayers! - Reisverslag uit Adelaide, Australië van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu

God answered our prayers!

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

10 Mei 2005 | Australië, Adelaide

Almost all the things that were stolen are found!
Bags, Discman, Toothbrush, underwear, passport, TV, mobile, charger, and more, even all my cd’s!!! We were soooo happy! Amazing! The police met a boy from 12 years old very late on the street, asked him what he was doing. They found a little note written on it: TV, laptop without password and an address. So they let the boy go home. Then somebody went undercover to the house and found all the stuff. It was a drug dealer. Unbelievable.
And just on time, because tomorrow we will fly out to Perth.
We spend a lot of hours on the police station, but it was a special experience and I learned a lot!
Many people were praying and God answered!

We are a bit tired, but really encouraged!

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 08:45


    hope you have a good flight to Perth! and also a good time there! hope to hear from you soon again!
    love, mom

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 15:33

    Pierre Breevaart:

    Hallo Adinda,

    Ik wens je een fijne tijd toe in Australie! Leuke foto's heb je gemaakt!

  • 10 Mei 2005 - 18:52


    Hey Adinda,

    Hope you are having a great time down-under. Okay if I use your mug next week at L.U.K.E?

    Tony (ACT)

  • 11 Mei 2005 - 06:38


    We had a safe trip and felt the first rain drops...
    Everybody was thanking God for the rain, how funny!

  • 11 Mei 2005 - 06:39


    Hey Tony,
    Good to hear from you! Please feel free to use my mug, but keep praying!

  • 12 Mei 2005 - 08:14


    Hi Adin,
    now I finally went to your page. really nice...i think i might come back!
    i'm at the moment in the library(of course i am...i mean for pract. work) but as usual there is not much work...:o)

    i send you a big smile!!!!
    love sarah

  • 12 Mei 2005 - 08:16


    Sorry i forgot something. we are having the first baptism in krunch on friday!!!!please pray for daniel and everybody that is watching!

  • 12 Mei 2005 - 08:42


    Great to hear Sarah!
    How many are going to be baptised?

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