Heb je het al gehoord?! Kom aan boord! - Reisverslag uit Krimpen aan de IJssel, Nederland van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu Heb je het al gehoord?! Kom aan boord! - Reisverslag uit Krimpen aan de IJssel, Nederland van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu

Heb je het al gehoord?! Kom aan boord!

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

16 Oktober 2005 | Nederland, Krimpen aan de IJssel

Hello my nice friends!

It’s time to let you know about what’s happening! Some of you I didn’t speak for a long time and others know already a lot, but I’d like to share with you the situation right now.
Generally it is going very well. I’m used to my new job and life here in Holland. I’m blessed with some good friends and great things are happening.
Somehow I could invite some of my colleges for church and the response so far is fantastic! It makes my day! God wants to show them how much He loves them and cares for them. That’s a priviledge to share with people.
I’m also blessed with some nice homemates (instead of roommates) and I can see that God knows what we need and that He cares.

Today we (Marijke & I) did a kids program (a little bit like we did in Luke) and it went very well. The theme was ‘Kom aan boord’ which means omething like “Come in the boat”… haha kk We talked about that it helps when we share everything with God. We had a lot of kids and it seemed like they enjoyed it a lot. Ofcourse we had a great time as well! We realised again how many things we learned and how cool it was to be there.

When I left Luke I was thinking about going back to Luke in January.
Right now, after some time in Holland I’m not sure anymore. There are different options and I don’t know what God is asking from me.
Maybe to go back to England, to stay here or to go to Nepal or something totally different…
Somehow I believe that God will make it clear, because that’s what He promised me.

At the same time I know that it will help when people pray… so if you have some time…

Thanks! Adinda!

  • 17 Oktober 2005 - 08:46


    hey dear daughter!
    yesterday was so good, you knoiw how to reach the children with the stories oif the bible; Marijke also was big fun. the 2 of you make a very good couple! I'm so proud to be your mom! Love & xxx

  • 17 Oktober 2005 - 08:52


    it's so good to hear from you^^ I wonder how you are doing well..
    you are really blessed that God is using you whereever you go..
    you are the source of the blessing..
    in Korea here is a bit cold.getting winter..
    are you still considering going back to Luke?
    I also start to considering to be a long term missionary or not..
    I'm waiting for his next plan for me^^
    When I think of you, you still make me smlie on my face..
    I miss you a lot^^

  • 17 Oktober 2005 - 11:38

    Pierre Breevaart:

    HOi Adinda,

    Leuk weer eens bericht van je te lezen hier. Leuke foto's van die school. Is dat een school in Krimpen?

    De tekst probeer ik later wel te ontcijferen, daar mijn engels nog steeds slecht is.

    Groeten uit Hellevoetsluis

    Pierre Breevaart

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