Perth - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Adinda Jong - Perth - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Adinda Jong -


Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

12 Mei 2005 | Australië, Perth

Tuesday night we arrived here in Perth. A lot warmer than in Adelaide. After a couple of hours in the airplane we were happy to have a rest. Yesterday we had a full day, but the programs went really well. Especially in the evening we had a great time. We went to an Asian biblestudy group and I had some very good conversations. I met one guy who was interested in missions and had never thought about Europe. Our presentation was an eye openener for him. That is actually what we hear many times. Nobody thinks about a mission field when they think about Europe. But that's why we are here.
Also today was a busy day, today we had 5 presentations because we went to a school and it was nice. I like it when the kids come up to me and ask many questions.
At the moment we are staying with a family, but the women is in hospital. I'm not sure how to explain what she has, but you can pray that God will make her better.

Our house is 200 meters from the beach which is great! It is beautiful here!

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Verslag uit: Australië, Perth

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen: 156
Totaal aantal bezoekers 36593

Voorgaande reizen:

02 Oktober 2012 - 11 December 2012

Thailand 2012

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