Perth 2 - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Adinda Jong - Perth 2 - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Adinda Jong -

Perth 2

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

17 Mei 2005 | Australië, Perth

Our time in Perth went really fast. On Saturday we had our day off and that was good. One day being ‘normal’, a day without people asking lots of questions and stuff. We spend the day in the city of Perth and of course visited many souvenir shops.
On Sunday (15/5) we had two official meetings, which basically means two church services. Both programs went well but especially I liked to first one. I had the opportunity to do some kids stuff I learned in Luke. I did some juggling and after that my favorite action song ‘Great Great Brill Brill’. I invited to whole church to join and that was fun. After the service we had a barbeque and again I had a lot of fun with the kids.
Our second service was far away so we didn’t have time to go home. We decided to look for some kangaroos! So exciting! We saw a lot and I made some nice pictures. After that we had our last meeting in Perth. We did a program for 45 min and afterwards I had an amazing conversation with John. A guy from the church who always thought that he couldn’t really do something and that he was not able to explain the gospel and talk with people about God. I could encourage him and share about the possibilities we had in OM and especially about Luke.
At the end I prayed for him and he had tears in his eyes! That was so encouraging for the both of us.

  • 20 Mei 2005 - 20:11


    hey dear, we're so proud of you that you mean a lot to so many people! you really talk about how you live with God and that's so important to share with people. it is so good to have all these opportunities! love you! mom&dad

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Verslag uit: Australië, Perth

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen: 131
Totaal aantal bezoekers 36603

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02 Oktober 2012 - 11 December 2012

Thailand 2012

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