Sydney - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong - Sydney - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong -


Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

17 Mei 2005 | Australië, Sydney

After the church service we packed our bags and went straight to the airport. We were the last ones to check in and almost missed the plane. We were lucky (or maybe better to say blessed) that the airplane was 15 min delayed.
After we landed in the morning in Sydney we went to a high school to do some programs and in the afternoon we were happy to close our eyes for a short time. In the evening we did a program in a church and also there I had some very good conversations and again the opportunity to pray for someone! So good!

  • 21 Mei 2005 - 07:06

    Ronald Gouw:

    Hoi Adinda! Het gaat super goed daar zo te lezen. Ik ben blij te zien dat je in je bestemming wandelt en God zal je blijven leiden daarin. Gods zegen, Ronald en Anita.

  • 21 Mei 2005 - 07:16

    Ronald Gouw:

    I saw some reactions from your om. And she did it in english. And now i realize that a lot of english folks will read this site and reactions. So i will try to dot he best i can to reply in english. So here is the message again, but now translated. (where is my dutch-english dictionary) :-) I found it!
    Hi Adinda! I see that it goes very good with you and i am happy to see you walk in your destination. And God will keep leading you on your path, what is the road He have prepared for you. God bless you, Ronald and Anita.

  • 22 Mei 2005 - 15:38


    Hoi Adinda,

    errug leuk om zo opje site te lezen - en te zien - wat je allemaal doet.
    Net je nieuwe nieuwsbrief ontvangen, toppie. Zorg jij voor een stukje in de nieuwe Inhoud (moet volgend weekend) of zal ik stukken uit je nieuwsbrief halen en insturen?


  • 23 Mei 2005 - 10:43


    Hoi Sabine,
    ik zal snel een stukje schrijven voor in Inhoud..

  • 25 Mei 2005 - 00:23


    Wow, cool web-site. It is like a blog. Great to hear your stories, you guys are doing so well. May He continue to bless and guide you as you travel.

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