Brisbane - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong - Brisbane - Reisverslag uit Sydney, Australië van Adinda Jong -


Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

25 Mei 2005 | Australië, Sydney

After 5 weeks we are @ our last place, Brisbane! All the time people kept telling us that the temperature in Brisbane would be the best, and it is true. It is nice & warm.
It’s a pity that we don’t have a day off here, but I hope that we can see at some point the beach.

Our time in Sydney was very good. We made a lot of good & new contacts and many people were asking for more information about opportunities and joining OM. Last weekend we went to a mission conference in Newcastle (2 hours away from Sydney). We made a special display for the book table and we had the privilege to do a seminar about Europe and in the evening we had 7 minutes at the main stage. For the first time and both times I messed up with my flag presentation and that was really fun (and stupid). Many people came afterwards to talk with us and I had one really good conversation with a young couple. They were thinking about missions for some time but didn’t have a clue where to start. I was able to help them a bit further.
Also there was a man with a heart for Russia. He was so happy to hear our presentation (including a presentation about Russia) that he came to me straight after the presentation, put his big Russian hat on my head and gave me a very big hug.
I didn’t have a clue what to do… but somehow it touched him so much… These things were very funny and encouraging.
Also that weekend we had one of our many barbeques and afterwards we went to a national park. Finally we saw some koala’s! And birds, really amazing!

By the way, we weren’t able to see the Hillsong church in Sydney, so I think I need to go back one day…

  • 27 Mei 2005 - 06:52


    Hey Adinda,

    Gaaf om te lezen wat je allemaal meemaakt!! Ik hoop (maar weet ik ook wel) dat je er super van geniet! Ik zal voor je bidden. Big Hug

  • 27 Mei 2005 - 14:29


    nog 7, nog 6, nog 5... ook al aan t aftellen?! bijna he! ik heb zo'n zin om je te zien!

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