Brisbane - Reisverslag uit Brisbane, Australië van Adinda Jong - Brisbane - Reisverslag uit Brisbane, Australië van Adinda Jong -


Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

30 Mei 2005 | Australië, Brisbane

This will be my last message from Australia!
We are finished with the presentations!!!
It has been very good, but at the same time after 6 weeks we were happy to do our last presention tonight. Together we have done around 70 presentations all over the country. Our highlight was Mildura, the small place were the church was very happy with our visit, but at the same time Sydney was very good as well.
Also in Adelaide the robbery experience, that was a real miracle, I will never forget that! Overall I can say that it was a good experience and that I have learnt a couple of things. Defenitly to go the extra mile, talking with people and telling the same story again and again.
Working together with people you don't really know. Be very flexible. Speaking and giving a challenge for many (sometimes more than 600 people), presenting the same message again and again... and at the same time being excited.
It was a privelege! To see God using me to encourage people and pray for people.

Now back to Europe... see what God is going to do next.
Sometimes I missed my friends I bit, so I'm looking forward to see them!

  • 31 Mei 2005 - 10:54


    It's good to see your news here..I don't know where I can write something, so just I take this page^^
    do you finish almost?
    you did a good job with your team..
    Many pople in australia wmay be touched by your presentation SERIOUSLY:)
    soon we 'll meet again and go together TS in cezch that I really look forward to go..
    it's last day of May(?)
    Enjoy in beach^^to get more brown~~love you with hugging

  • 31 Mei 2005 - 23:04


    He Adin,
    We are missing you!

  • 18 Juni 2005 - 13:13

    :-) Smiley Face! :-):

    Hi Adinda, cool will read more from your exciting stories later! take care!
    hope you are doing alright!

  • 19 Juni 2005 - 11:44

    Se Young:

    Hoi, my lovely friend!
    Just now, I want to say to you I miss you soooooo much now!!!!
    I see pictures I took in Luke many times these days. When I see the pictures one by one, I'm already in Luke.
    I love you!!!

  • 27 Juni 2005 - 18:01

    Esther Craanen:

    Hallo Adinda,
    Great to hear those wonderfull storys. I hope your trip to Europe will go oke. Buy. Es

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