A testimony & clowning @ New Wine… - Reisverslag uit Krimpen aan de IJssel, Nederland van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu A testimony & clowning @ New Wine… - Reisverslag uit Krimpen aan de IJssel, Nederland van Adinda Jong - WaarBenJij.nu

A testimony & clowning @ New Wine…

Door: Adinda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Adinda

01 Augustus 2006 | Nederland, Krimpen aan de IJssel

Already for 3 months I work @ the Shelter in Amsterdam! More and more I get used to my new job and the more I think about it, the more I realise that it is such a blessing!
God is so good! Still I’m wondering why He chose me to work there but I believe He knows what is good and I want to trust Him!
To meet and work with people from all around the world is so cool and I enjoy it very much!
It’s a privilege to see God at work and one of the things that happened lately I would like to share with you, so hopefully it will encourage you as well.

Many times we hear that people experience something special in the Shelter.
The Shelter is very close to the red light district in the city of Amsterdam. Many of our guests come for this area and coffee shops that are all around.
A lot of times people make a reservation for our hostel without realising that it is a Christian hostel. Some are shocked when they find out, others ask us why Christians are based in this area. Good question because it’s an open door to share about Jesus… He came for the poor and broke hearted…so we try to follow His example…
Many times I feel very sad when I see people walking around with no purpose at all. But at the same time, we see and hear that God works and brings people to The Shelter, but most important to himself!
For example Argentina. She is with us at the moment as a cleaner and found the Lord last week! Wow!
She comes from Mexico. Lately she found out that her husband (after 10 years) had another women and wanted to divorce her. At that time she was pregnant… she came to Amsterdam to meet her best friend, but she wasn’t happy to see her at all… When she was in Amsterdam she lost almost all her money and her credit card. She didn’t know what to do at all…
But God knew what she needed and brought her to the Shelter. She arrived at the reception and started to cry like crazy. She could stay but needed to wait before she could start with cleaning because there was a waiting list. Exactly on that day I worked and felt that I needed to ask one of our cleaners to find another job. He had already many warnings and again on that day he didn’t do his job properly. I didn’t know about the situation from Argentina, but later I found out that it worked out very well, because she could start the next day. After a couple of days she turned back to Christ! Wow! Also she got her money back and her negative self image is totally changed! She feels so much stronger and is going back soon to Mexico to share with people about what Jesus has done!
Thank God and pray for Argentina and so many others who are searching for the truth because the truth will set us free!

Somehow last week I ended up as a clown @ the New Wine conference!
One of my dreams is to be a clown evangelist and last week we, Claudia & I , played during the 5 day conference everyday a clown sketch! So cool! We learned a lot and are open for what will come next!

  • 01 Augustus 2006 - 21:26

    Ronald Gouw:

    Hey Adinda! Great testimony! Its always good to read something from you. I,m glad that God shows you that there is a lot of work to be done for Him. Showing to people that Jesus lives and is the open door to heaven is a life saving job. God bless you and your work on the shelter. Greetings, Ronald.

  • 22 November 2009 - 07:19


    wat goed! dit verhaal van de Shelter lees ik pas nu, nadat je er al ruim 3 jaar gewerkt hebt!! I hope you will be able to work as a clown evangelist, because it is exactly fitting you!! you always were a little clown..

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